A South Texan explores existentialism, modernity and the sweep of history.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Dr. Ferguson Lecture

Texas A & M University-Kingsville's Annual Faculty Lecture will be held tonight at the Irma Rangel College of Pharmacy BLDG Room 115.

The lecture is called "Shadow Work" and the Making of the Modern World by Dr. Dean T. Ferguson, professor of history at TAMUK

"Factory workers were documented in labor history, guild members were noted in the history of the early modern period. These 'shadow workers' have hardly been mentioned at all."

"One of the main things I want people to leave the lecture with is an awareness of the variety of informal sector work that happens all around them."

"I also want them to learn that much of what we know about industrialization and the rise of the west is incomprehensible without these workers..."

"...I want the attendees to see that there are distinct parallels between today's informal sector and the shadow work of the 18th and 19th Centuries."

(Quotes cited from The Kingsville Record April 18, 2010 5A)

I will be attending this lecture. I will post some thoughts later.


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